Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fitnessgram Information

The Fitnessgram assessments at the Holliswood School have started and will continue throughout the school year with the last being in March. At the Holliswood School, all students have their heights and weights measured during the month of September and use that information to learn about body composition. In grades K-3, students are are only measured for height and weight. In grades 3-5, students are assessed once a year with the Fitnessgram (approx. one test/month starting November), and in grades 6-8 students are assessed twice (once in September/October and second in February/March). An additional assessment of the PACER test will be conducted in January for the students to use as a tool to help them see their progress over the school year. For more information about the NYC Fitnessgram, please visit http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/037DD247-A222-4BCA-B948-3267E58876AC/49821/NYCFITNESSGRAMINFORMATIONFORPARENTS_12_10_08.pdf.

To view the students' Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZs), please visit http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/037DD247-A222-4BCA-B948-3267E58876AC/76496/NYCFGHFZ2010.pdf.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Holliswood Athletics

To see what is going on with our school's athletics programs, visit the Holliswood Athletics blogspot page, www.holliswoodchamps.blogspot.com.